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|||I noticed that when you use a check card as a credit card, then you do not have to enter your pin.So There is no difference.
%26lt;a href="http://www.getcreditcard鈥?rel"dofollow"%26gt;http://www.getcr鈥?
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|||This is more like the difference between a regular ATM card and a Visa check card.
A Visa check card is a debit card in the same way as an ATM card. When you use it, the money comes directly from your checking account. You can also choose to use it as a credit card.
What makes it different from a plain ATM card is that you can use it at places that don't accept ATM cards. Some merchants won't, but they will accept your debit card w/ the Visa logo and have you sign a receipt like a credit card.
No matter if you use if for debit or credit, the charge still comes directly out of your account. You don't get a statement like you would with a regular credit card.
You can probably sign up for the Visa Extras program with it. That will give you points towards any credit purchases (ones you did w/o using your PIN).|||Now that your debit card has the VISA logo on it you can now use it as if it were a credit card. JUST Remember to swipe it as a credit card transaction so you dont have a transaction fee come out of your account. and always record the purchase on your check book register so you dont bounce your account. Abusing it that way can get you bad credit too..
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